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True Love’s First Kiss

Written By MargKinneen

On March 20, 2015

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Oh the rapturous bliss of True Love’s First Kiss!

Can you feel its dreamy essence as it carries you through your day on the wings of love?

But how is this so, if Prince Charming isn’t actually standing in front of you?

True Love…

True Love, of course, rides on the pure vibration of unconditional love, which sets your spirit free so it can shine its beautiful light through the full  expression of your uniqueness. You’re beautiful just the way you are.


Kiss = touch.


First = finest, prime or prince.

So when you encounter True Love’s First Kiss, you are touched by the finest and most pure vibration that sets your spirit free. You have released all your lower emotions so only the most beautiful vibrations fill your body. This is your evolutionary destination.

The prince bringing true love’s kiss is your own pure vibration bringing the feeling of beauty to your body.

And when you imagine the rapturous bliss of True Love’s First Kiss, you are literally bringing in those beautiful vibes as if Prince Charming has just arrived on his white steed.

Invite True Love’s First Kiss into each and every moment and create for yourself the most beautiful Happily Ever After you have ever imagined.


  1. Deirdre McKeown

    Marg, I feel as though I’ve been crawling across the desert and suddenly, there in front of me, is an oasis……deep love and gratitude for your loving and truthful communication. I’ll carry this image with me….love’s first kiss! Ummmm…..I accept. it into each and every moment of my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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    <div class="apbct-real-user-author-name">MargKinneen</div>
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                <p class="apbct-real-user-popup-header">The Real Person!</p>
                <p class="apbct-real-user-popup-text">Author <b>MargKinneen</b> acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.</p>

    Isn’t it amazing, Deirdre, how a little change in perspective can make such a big difference. I love the fact that true love’s first kiss and happily ever after are right within our own hearts.

  3. Lisa

    You’ve done it again, Marg! I was just in the shower thinking about living my life happily ever after. Got in bed and along came your email…PERFECT!!! Something else happened earlier tonight that was, I guess, a reality kick in the head reminding me that I still don’t have the level of freedom that I crave so heartfully. I’ve been trusting the Universe to help me get there and doing my best to stay happy but find I’m struggling more than I want. I’m looking for complete and total independence…personal freedom. I love your insights and try to practice your wisdom but something is getting in the way. Very frustrated tonight… I would re-read some of your delightful text right now but must get up early to show homes…the work thing. Will have to make time this weekend. Meanwhile, fantasizing that my powerball jackpot numbers were drawn tonight…this solves my problem as well as helps several other people I love!👍🏽😘✨🌟💫

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                <p class="apbct-real-user-popup-header">The Real Person!</p>
                <p class="apbct-real-user-popup-text">Author <b>MargKinneen</b> acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.</p>

      So sweet Lisa, as always. Yes, I find that it’s easier to know something than to fully realise it in practice. And there’s a very good reason for that. Whenever we change a belief pattern, we’re actually changing our physicality…our protein structure. So it won’t happen in a blink, but it will definitely happen. It’s like changing the thread on a screw…you have to continually grind away at the new groove before it eventually goes there easily. Changing belief patterns is like finding a new groove!!! So don’t be hard on yourself. Just take the little steps toward groovy!

      Being gentle on yourself is part of the happy vibe. But if you beat yourself up, you’ve lowered your vibes, which moves away from the happily ever after you’re seeking. You’re getting in your own way. That’s what we all do.

      You’re doing fantastically!!! Know that…believe in yourself. You are already amazing. Happy already exists within you…when you’re gentle on yourself. That’s freedom.


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