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Make Creativity Your Business

Written By MargKinneen

On July 30, 2014

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Is your creativity sparkling?

Whether you don your suit and tie and drive to the office each morning, or stay snuggled in your p.j.’s as you open the laptop with coffee and toast in hand, this is your business…your daily pursuit of creativity. Are the sparks flying in the arena of your busy -ness?

Right now I’m busying myself writing this article whilst immersed in the buzzy ambience of the organic Samudra Cafe in the sleepy little town of Dunsborough, 3 hours south of Perth, Western Australia. My creative spirit loves the relaxed, friendly atmosphere that invites its creative juices to indulge in a flurry of sparky newness.

After feeling both physically and emotionally bogged down with my business endeavours that had kept me tethered to the weighty ball and chain of deadlines and bottom lines that were slowly snuffing out my creative spirit, I finally realised what I was doing wrong!

I was

creating a business…

instead of

busying myself with creativity.

My inner creative spirit was flagging…and dragging my creative output down with it. I was busying myself with striving, pushing, comparing, stressing, pleasing…fearing. My daily busy-ness was producing fear…and no-one pays for fear… which is destructive and in direct opposition to being creative.

Any bells ringing?

That old demon, the fear of not being good enough, underpins all our energy-sapping, creativity-robbing busy-ness habits. But that old demon lives within, and so can be easily accessed and conquered…with awareness. It’s time to consciously change those habits that keep us busy and broke.


Get busy creating…

Creativity embodies creation…

…which lights up the inner spirit and radiates joy.

Creativity is attractive…

…it’s magnetic essence draws smiles and opens hearts.

The most fundamental quality of creativity is that it…

…feels good.

So in order to be creative, all our thoughts, words and actions must feel good. And when you feel good, everyone around you feels good.

It’s time to revive the sparkle of inspiration and unleash the creative uniqueness that fills you with joy. What makes your heart sing and dance and trip the light fantastic? Make this your busy-ness for it is the true expression of your soul.

Get Creative!


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