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The Hidden Princesses

The Hidden Princesses

The beautiful fairytale princess, who you love so dearly, dwells figuratively within your own heart. She's your pure essence of unconditional love that awaits revelation. She's your dreaming spirit that yearns for release from her evolutionary prison within your dark...

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YOU are the evil fairytale villain!

YOU are the evil fairytale villain!

YOU are the Wicked Witch, the Evil Queen, Maleficent and the Ugly Step Mother. Yes indeedy!!! We all are. They simply represent the fearful feminine that's been dropped into the scary and controlling masculine story...called mankind. She's literally been dropped out...

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Happily Ever After is NOW!

Happily Ever After is NOW!

Are you waiting for Prince Charming to ride into your life on his white steed? I do hope you've got a good book, 'cause it's going to be a loooooooooong wait. I remember so clearly the days when that was all I wanted. And the disappointment each time when that...

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Have courage and be kind.

Have courage and be kind.

"Have courage and be kind" These are the beautiful sentiments of the exquisite Cinderella, the latest Disney movie, which I've just delighted in seeing. I simply adore fairytales as you know! And I'm going to share another fairytale secret with you today. This little...

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Cinderella’s Ugly Step Family

Cinderella’s Ugly Step Family

Upon the death of her real mother and father, poor Cinderella lived with an ugly step mother and her two ugly daughters. She was relegated to an old, dark attic and made to wait on them hand and foot. She was in servitude to her ugly step family. You might be...

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True Love’s First Kiss

True Love’s First Kiss

Oh the rapturous bliss of True Love's First Kiss! Can you feel its dreamy essence as it carries you through your day on the wings of love? But how is this so, if Prince Charming isn't actually standing in front of you? True Love... True Love, of course, rides on the...

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