A fresh perspective! ...through a big picture lens. Interest in the forthcoming celestial alignment on September 23rd 2017 centres around this biblical passage from Revelation. "And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon...
Your Magnetic Heart
You're protected by a field of light that's generated within your heart. Beautiful! How is this so? Because the universe is like a set of Russian dolls... microcosms within macrocosms... the workings of the macro echoing the workings of the micro. This phenomenon...
YOU are amazing and unique! Of that there is no doubt...in my mind anyway. However, I've been struggling with my own uniqueness, and the value of my work. Is it good enough? Do I really have a message that's worth telling? Why am I here? Then it suddenly dawned on me!...
Ascension of the Divine Feminine
The Divine Feminine has been dancing in the spotlight of evolution recently, and she's beginning to outshine her compatriots. So lets step out of the wings and join her centre stage to discover exactly who she is and why she's so influential. As always, the words...
Make Creativity Your Business
Is your creativity sparkling? Whether you don your suit and tie and drive to the office each morning, or stay snuggled in your p.j.'s as you open the laptop with coffee and toast in hand, this is your business...your daily pursuit of creativity. Are the sparks flying...
The Issue Is In The Tissue
Skin is universal. It is the vessel within which we carry our identity...until we jump out of it that is! "Beauty is skin deep." "I've had a skinful." "I'm comfortable in my own skin." Beauty. Anger. Confidence... All carried in our skin! I was recently approached by...